01. | PDAM Cilacap | Jl. Tembaga No.2 | - (0282) 534651, | - Air Bersih dan |
02. | Pelindo III Cilacap | Jl. Laut Jawa | - (0282) 538462, | - Jasa Kepelabuhan dan |
03. | PT. Permiko Enginering dan | Jl. Singalodra No.1 | - (0282) 534686, | - Pemasangan Kerangka Baja |
04. | PT. Toxindo Prima | Jl. Lingkar Timur No.5 | - (0282) 537965, | - Pembekuan Ikan dan |
05. | PT. Lautan Murti | Jl. Lingkar Timur 234 | - (0282) 538462, | - Pembekuan Ikan dan |
06. | PT. Holcim Tbk, | Jl. Nusantara Po Box 272 | - (0282) 541521, | - Industri Semen |
07. | PT. Juifa International Foods | Jl. Lingkar Timur 53 | - (0282) 521003, | - Industri Pengalengan Ikan |
08. | PT. Panganmas Inti Persada | Jl. Laut Jawa | - (0282) 533720, | - Pengolahan Tepung Terigu |
09. | PT. Industri Sandang Nusantara | Jl. Kyai Kendil Wesi No. 1 | - (0282) 533231, | - Industri Pembuatan |
10. | PT. Waroeng Batok Industri | Jl. Raya Majenang Km 7 | - (0282) 745437, | - Moulding dan |
11. | PT. Pertamina UP IV | Jl. MT Haryono No. 77 | - (0282) 531633, | - Pengolahan BBM |
12. | PT. Delta Cabang | Komplek Pelabuhan Cilacap, | - (0282) 534270 | - Penyaluran Minyak Goreng |
13. | PT. Sinar Mas / | Komplek Pelabuhan Cilacap, | - (0282) 535901 | - Penyaluran Minyak Goreng |
14. | PT. Nasmoco | Jl. MT Haryono No. 81 | - (0282) 533720 | - Dealer Mobil dan |
15. | PT. Gelora | Jl. LE. Martadinata No. 79 | - (0282) 534020, | - Angkutan Bermotor |
16. | PT. Terus Jaya | Jl. Menur | - (0282) 533720 | - Jasa Transportasi dan |
17. | PT. Cipto Jember Jaya | Jl. Nusantara No.200 | - (0282) 533720 | - Jasa Angkutan |
18. | PT. Aspal Mitra Utama | Jl. Banjaran No. 4 | - (0282) 532924, | - Distributor Aspal |
19. | PT. Sumber Segara | Jl. Lingkar Timur |
| - PLTU |
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010
perusahaan cilacap indonesia
Senin, 17 Mei 2010
Advance Vibration Analysis
Improve Advance Vibration knowledge Detect The Mechanical Component Damage Prematurely Understand how to select and use instrumentation to measure vibration correctly
1. Aspek Teknologi Perawatan Prediktif Berdasarkan Getaran Permesinan
Getaran & Kondisi mesin: Pengukuran sinyal getaran: Perangkat analysis sinyal getaran; Pengertian dasar Technology Perawatan; Metode Perawatan Konvensional; Metode Perawatan Predikitif, Pemantauan Periodik & Permanen, Parameter Pengukuran.
2. Karakteristik Getaran Kerusakan Mesin
Ketak seimbanagan: Bantalan Gelinding; Oil Whiri; Misalignment, Mechanical looseness (kekendoran) Roda Gigi; Blade & Vane; Resonansi; Motor Listrik
3. Metode Analisis Sinyal Getaran
Aspek praktis dan analisis; Memanfaatkan fasa untuk analisis; Jumblah dan selisish Frekwensi; Normalisasi kecepatan; Baseline spectrum; Tabel trouble getaran, Standar getaran; evaluasi criteria getaran mesin.
4. Analisis Data Domain Frekwensi
Konsep analisa data domain frekwensi; frekwensi dasar, Harmonik dan fasa; Analisis data auto power, Power spectrum dan cross power; Spectrum; Analisis dan cirri sinyal getaran dalam domain frekwensi.
5. Komputer Program Perawatan Prediktif
Program utama: Konsep Database; Penayangan data; Diagnosis menu tampilan
Community Development
Setelah pelatihan ini peserta dapat memahami arti pentingnya budaya dan adat di sekitar wilayah bisnis, dan mampu merekayasa sedemikian sehingga dapat bermanfaat untuk menunjang kelancaran bisnis.
Pengenalan Budaya Asia Timur Pengenalan Hukum adat dan Pemerintah Analisis Kebutuhan dan Harapan Masyarakat Partisipasi publik dalam pembangunan Inkubasi Bisnis Peran perusahaan dalam pengembangan masyarakat dan menjadikan masyarakat sebagai asset. STUDI KASUS
Diutamakan staf atau pejabat perussahaan yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pengembangan masyarakat disekitar wilayah bisnis.
Emergency Response Planning Program in the Workplace
This course outlines ways of developing and implementing an emergency response plan. To be able to deal with emergencies when they occur, it is important that you develop and implement a plan in advance. The objective of an emergency response plan is to be prepared to deal with unforeseen situations such as fires, chemical spills, explosions, floods, injury, illness and other crisis situations. Such a plan is essential to protect health, lives, property and the environment. The plan outlines actions that employers and employees must take in the event of an emergency situation to ensure employee safety and to minimize property damage. An emergency plan should be specifically tailored to your worksite. It must include ways of dealing with all potential emergencies that can occur in your workplace. The plan must clearly outline the procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency. A disorganized and unprepared approach to dealing with emergencies may result in confusion, loss of lives, injury, financial or business losses, and property damage.
The specific objectives of this course were to guide for developing a comprehensive emergency response plan. (The contents are organized by response plan elements, which apply to a wide range of business sectors). It will help you to:
Conduct a risk assessment Evaluate potential losses Identify potential emergencies Develop a comprehensive emergency preparedness policy and response program Develop a business continuity and business recovery plan Design, conduct and evaluate drills and exercises Follow-up on and learn from incidents Continuously improve the response capability
Emergency Situations is an emergency is any situation or occurrence of a serious nature, developing suddenly and unexpectedly, and demanding immediate action. Types of Emergencies such as: Fires, Spills, etc. Emergency Response Plan itself by definition is an integrated set of policies and procedures that allows you to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergency incidents. Prevention policies and procedures help to ensure that the risk of occurrence of emergencies is either eliminated or minimized. While, recovery policies and procedures allow the organization to recover quickly and be back in operation with as little disruption as possible.
Creating the Planning Team is necessary to make the plan succsess. The Team Members must be an individual or a group in charge of developing the emergency response plan. The size of the planning team will depend on the facility's operations, requirements and resources. Committee members should be appointed in writing and their responsibilities should be clearly defined. Then, Emergency Response Policy should be established, a statement of management’s commitment.
Effective emergency response plans require a clear identification of factors that may contribute to emergencies, types of potential emergencies, consequences of emergencies, unless an emergency response plan is in place, and risk assessment. So, Hazard Analysis should be perfomed. Identifying the Hazards, is to determine what hazards exist that could lead to emergency situations. For each process formulate appropriate “What If” questions based on personal, company, or industry experience. The Risk Assessment Checklist can be used to capture the analysis of risks and the company's ability to respond to an occurrence. This should be used to set the priority for corrective action plans. The higher the score, the greater the priority for corrective action and emergency response plans. While the risk assessment identifies the severity of a possible emergency, the capability assessment determines where the resources to manage an event will come from and what capabilities exist. Assess the company’s capability to respond to emergencies. It is important to note that resources and capabilities must be assessed in relation to the potential of loss.
The response plan serves several purposes. Begin with top priority (the most likely emergency scenario) and then expand the program to cover all potential emergencies such as fire, spill, medical emergency, industrial accident or other possibilities. It is important to develop an organized approach to manage the overall plan. Use the Emergency Planning Responsibility Checklist to determine responsibilities within the organization. The key functions within the emergency management organization are determined from an assessment of the needs and complexity of likely emergency scenarios that could occur. It is important to understand that many skill sets are required. So, Develop a job description for each member of the response team is necessary. The worksite’s internal alarm system is used to initiate a response by internal teams and to alert all employees to the emergency. The number to be used in contacting emergency services should be posted at every telephone station. Resource Mobilization, Response Procedures against any situation, Crisis Management including Develop procedures for internal and external communications during an emergency should be set up. A communication plan for dealing with the media and the community is of utmost importance. Developing Business Recovery Plans, by the objective is to resume each activity to a specified level of service and within a specific timeframe. Cleanup and Restoration Plans, by mean as soon as incident investigations are completed, cleanup and restoration activities should commence.
An effective emergency response plan will not succeed without trained personnel who have the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the assigned task. Drills and exercises are an effective training tool. They provide a means of measuring the state of preparedness and the effectiveness of an emergency response plan. A thorough evaluation of the exercise will ensure that the emergency plan is successfully implemented and complete.
The purpose of incident follow-up is to ensure that all lessons learned from situations are applied to prevent future incidents. Incident follow-up occurs sometime after the incident has been investigated and recommendations made. It involves taking a second look at the situation. For Continuous Improvement several tips should be developed.
Courses are aimed at anyone who wants to implement an emergency response plan and manage comprehensive prevention programs within the organization. It will also assist:
Senior managers making decisions about the need for, or improvement to, emergency response plans; Individuals assigned the responsibility of developing and implementing emergency response plans; and Health and safety committees making informed recommendations regarding an organization’s existing response plans.
Senin, 10 Mei 2010
Daftar Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama
- BP Indonesia, anak perusahaan dari BP
- Chevron Pacific Indonesia, anak perusahaan dari Chevron Corporation
- Chevron Indonesia d/h Unocal Indonesia, anak perusahaan dari Chevron Corporation
- CNOOC Southeast Sumatra Ltd, anak perusahaan dari CNOOC
- ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc.Ltd, anak perusahaan dari ConocoPhillips
- ENI Indonesia Ltd, anak perusahaan dari Eni
- ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia, Inc, anak perusahaan dari ExxonMobil
- IMR-Petronusa Bumibakti
- Kondur Petroleum S.A.
- Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd
- Lapindo Brantas Inc
- Medco E&P Indonesia
- Sele Raya Merangin Dua
- Shell Companies in Indonesia, anak perusahaan dari Shell
- Total E&P Indonesie, anak perusahaan dari Total S.A.
- VICO Indonesia, anak perusahaan dari BP
Badan Operasi Bersama
- Badan Operasi Bersama (BOB) PT. Bumi Siak Pusako - Pertamina Hulu
- JOB Pertamina - Medco Madura Pty Ltd
- JOB Pertamina - Medco Simenggaris Pty Ltd
- JOB Pertamina - Mobil Langsa Inc
- JOB Pertamina - CONOCOPHLLIPS (Sakakemang) Ltd
- JOB Pertamina - Costa International GROUP Ltd
- JOB Pertamina - Golden Spike South Sumatra Ltd
- JOB Pertamina - Irian Jaya Gas & Oil Co. Inc
- JOB Pertamina - Lasmo (Malagot) Ltd
- JOB Pertamina - Medco Tomoti Sulawesi Ltd
- JOB Pertamina - Petrochina Salawati
- JOB Pertamina - Petrochina Tuban
- JOB Pertamina - Talisman
- JOB Pertamina - Y P F Jambi Merang
- JOB Pertamina - Golden Spike Indonesia Ltd
PT Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk (BNI)
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk (BRI)
PT Bank Ekspor Indonesia (BEI)
PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (ASEI)
PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (JASINDO)
PT Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia (ASKES)
PT Reasuransi Umum Indonesia (RUI)
Jasa Pembiayaan
PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia
Perum Sarana Pengembangan Usaha
Jasa Konstruksi
Perum Pengembangan Perumahan Nasional
Konsultan Konstruksi
Penunjang Konstruksi
Jasa Penilai
Jasa Lainnya
Logistik dan Pariwisata
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (PELINDO II)
PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia
Angkutan Darat
PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia
Industri Farmasi
Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC)
PT TWC Borobudur, Prambanan dan Ratu Boko
PT Kawasan Industri Wijaya Kusuma
PT Pengusahaan Daerah Industri Pulau Batam (Persero Batam)
Usaha Penerbangan
Dok dan Perkapalan
PT Dok dan Perkapalan Kodja Bahari
PT Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya
Agro Industri, Kehutanan, Kertas, Percetakan, dan Penerbitan
PT Perkebunan Nusantara I (PTPN I)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara II (PTPN II)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (PTPN III)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (PTPN IV)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPN V)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI (PTPN VI)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (PTPN VII)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (PTPN VIII)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (PTPN X)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (PTPN XI)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (PTPN XIII)
PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIV (PTPN XIV)
PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI)
Perum Prasarana Perikanan Samudra
Percetakan dan Penerbitan
Perum Percetakan Negara Indonesia
Pertambangan, Industri Strategis, Energi dan Telekomunikasi
Dok dan Perkapalan
PT Energy Management Indonesia (Persero)
PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk
Industri Berbasis Teknologi
Baja dan Konstruksi Baja
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk
Industri Pertahanan
Industri Sandang
Aneka Industri
Perusahaan Patungan Minoritas*
PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung
PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut