Selasa, 26 April 2016

Pumps Life Cycle Management

Pumps Life Cycle Management

Maintenance and engineering management typically purchase pumps for institutional and commercial facilities as individual components. But pumps provide a service only when they operate as part of a system. The energy the system uses depends on the pump's design, the system installation, and the way the system operates. These factors are interdependent, and management must match them carefully to each other and ensure they remain so throughout their working lives to deliver the lowest energy consumption and cost.
The initial purchase price is a small part of the life-cycle cost for high-usage pumps. Accounting for the components that make up the total cost of ownership gives management an opportunity to dramatically reduce energy, operational, and maintenance costs. Reducing energy use and process waste also has significant environmental benefits
LCC analysis of pumps helps pump users make better choices in the life of the procurement arm of industrial pumps—including the decision between buying a new pump versus overhauling an existing pump. Maintenance, repair, energy and downtime costs constitute a major part of pumps’ LCC, and these costs can be significantly reduced if the required measures are followed. A different maintenance strategy should be adopted for each machinery type based on its criticality and nature

1.              Life Cycle Costs and The Value Chain
2.              Why Should Pump Users Care About LCC?
3.              Pumping System Design
4.              Total Life Cycle Pump Costing :
-        Initial Investment Costs (Pump, System, Pipe, Auxiliary Services)
-        Installation And Commissioning Cost (Including Training)
-        Energy Costs (Predicted Cost For System Operation, Including Pump Driver, Controls, And Any Auxiliary Services)
-        Operation Costs (Labor Cost Of Normal System Supervision)
-        Maintenance And Repair Costs (Routine And Predicted Repairs)
-        Down Time Costs (Loss Of Production)
-        Environmental Costs (Contamination From Pumped Liquid And Auxiliary Equipment)
-        Decommissioning/Disposal Costs (Including Restoration Of The Local Environment And Disposal Of Auxiliary Services).
5.              LCC Analysis Benefits
6.              Methods for Analyzing Existing Pumping Systems

Pump Operator & Supervisor, Managerial staff involved in pump operation, maintenance and/or engineering, Foreman, Repairman, and the other personnel in charge of operations and maintenance of pumps.

Maintenance Of Pump And Compressor

Maintenance Of Pump And Compressor

Pumps and compressors are generally critical machines in any production process, and hence it is vital that maintenance is most effective for these units. This training aims to provide participans with a comprehensive understanding of how to use a combined predictive and preventive maintenance approach to achieve maximum reliability and greatest understanding of any deterioration that may occur.
The program assumes familiarity with the design and construction of pumps and compressors. From this starting point it adopts an analytical approach to understanding the failure of all types of pumps and compressors. From a component by component perspective, the program investigates the root causes of failure, and relates these to operating conditions and process parameters. Design, installation, lubrication and wear related failure mechanisms are identified and a detailed understanding of the troubleshooting and diagnostic methods needed to detect and identify these is developed.
This is an intensive 3-day course providing a comprehensive overview of pumps and compressor maintenance.  The program provides participants with the knowledge needed to be effective in the inspection, monitoring and diagnostics of pumps and compressors, with emphasis placed upon the importance of a combined condition monitoring and strip-down inspection approach to maintenance.

1.    Disassembling and assembling
2.    Cleaning, Inspection and Dimentional check
3.    Precision machining
4.    Plating and metal spraying
5.    Speciallized welding and heat treatment
6.    Non-destructive testing
7.    Dynamic balancing

Engineers, senior technicians, and system operators designing, operating, and maintaining pump and compressor systems.

Inspection & Maintenance of PVV (Pressure Vacuum Valve)

Inspection  & Maintenance of PVV (Pressure Vacuum Valve)

Pressure/vacuum relief valves are protection devices which are typically mounted on a nozzle opening on the top of a fixed roof atmospheric storage tank. Their primary purpose is to protect the tank against rupturing or imploding. Without an opening or a controlled opening, a fixed roof atmospheric tank would rupture under increasing pressure caused by pumping liquid into the tank or as a result of vapor pressure changes caused by severe thermal changes. Imploding, or the collapsing of a tank, occurs during the pumping out procedure or thermal changes. As the liquid level lowers, the vapor space pressure is reduced to below atmospheric pressure. This vacuum condition must be controlled by allowing atmospheric air to flow into the tank. In short, the tank needs to breathe in order to eliminate the possibility of rupturing or imploding. Because of its primary function, a pressure/vacuum valve is commonly referred to as a “breather valve.”
Breather Valves, also known as direct acting Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valves, are special types of Relief Valves which are specifically designed for tank protection. The range includes pressure only, vacuum only and combined Pressure/Vacuum Valves, all available with flanged outlets or vented to atmosphere.
Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valves are used extensively on bulk storage tanks, including fixed roof tanks with floating covers, to minimize evaporation loss. The Valves prevent the build up of excessive pressure or vacuum which can unbalance the system or damage the storage vessel. Pressure and vacuum protection levels are controlled with weighted pallets or springs and can be combined to provide the required Pressure/Vacuum settings. It is common to combine pallet and spring systems in one unit i.e. pressure settings require a spring section, whilst the vacuum settings use the pallet method.  Pressure/Vacuum valves are designed to provide protection of all cargo tanks against over/under pressure and provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmosphere resulting from temperature variations in the cargo tanks and should operate in advance of the pressure/vacuum breaker.

1.           Inspection Manual Code And Standard
2.           Cause Damage: Corrosion, Damage Seating (Damaged Seating Surfaces), Spring Is Broken, Plugging And Sticking, Rough Handling
3.           Frequency Of Inspection: Normal Base, Base Manufacturer, Others
4.           The Execution Time Of Inspection: Inspection On New Installations, Inspections During Plant Shutdown (Planned Shutdown), Inspection After A Long Shutdown, On stream Visual Inspection
5.           Safety Valve Inspection Procedure
-                        Safety Precaution
-                        Inspection Before Being Taken To The Workshop
-                        Inspection At The Workshop: Visual Inspection, Pre - Test (Initial Testing), Setting Popping And Tightness
-                        Inspection Field: In Process Unit, On Storage Tanks, Inspection On Boilers, Inspection Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valves, Inspection Of The Rupture Disk
6.                   Maintenance
-                        Repair Procedure: Demolition (Dismanteling), Cleaning And Checking Parts, Replacement Of Damaged Parts And Recondition, Reassembling, Pilot Operated Repair
-                        Pressure Test
-                        Shop Testing: Testing With Air / Nitrogen, Testing With Water (For Liquid Service), Determination Of Setting And Leaks
-                        Field Testing
-                        Documentation

This training  is designed for all technical personnel dealing with Pressure Vacuum Valve such as Facility Engineers, Operators, Design Engineers, Project Engineers and Managers.

Inspection & Maintenance of Pressure Vessel

Inspection  & Maintenance of Pressure Vessel

Pressure Vessel atau disebut bejana tekan merupakan wadah tertutup yang dirancang untuk menampung cairan atau gas pada temperatur yang berbeda dari temperatur  lingkungan. Bejana tekan digunakan untuk bermacam-macam  aplikasi di berbagai sektor industri seperti industri kimia (petrochemical plant), energi (power plant),  minyak dan gas (oil & gas), nuklir, makanan, bahkan sampai pada peralatan rumah tangga seperti boiler pemanas air atau pressure cooker. Di sektor industri, bejana tekan dirancang untuk pengoperasian yang aman pada tekanan dan temperatur tertentu secara teknik mengacu sebagai Design Pressure dan Design Temperature.
Apabila sebuah bejana tekan yang dirancang tidak  tepat untuk  menahan tekanan yang tinggi maka bahaya keamanan akan mengancam. Oleh karena itu, standar rancangan dan sertifikasi bejana tekan dibuat melalui beberapa design code seperti ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel di Amerika, Pressure Equipment Directive of the EU (PED), Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS), CSA B51 di Canada, AS1210 di Australia dan standar internasional lain seperti Lloyd’s,  Germanischer Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas, Stoomwezen, dll.
Pelatihan ini akan membahas mengenai guide dan aturan-aturan mengenai procedure dari maintenance inspection, inservice/certificate inspection, perbaikan (repair), alteration dan rerating dari bejana tekan (pressure vessel), yang mencakup towers, drums, reactors dan spherical storage tank. Sehingga setelah mengikuti kursus ini, peserta akan mampu : mengetahui beberapa standard inspeksi vessel berdasarkan API 510, mengetahui standar perhitungan vessel untuk perbaikan berdasarkan code ASME,  melakukan inspeksi untuk mendeteksi kerusakan secara dini,  menentukan kelayakan operasi dan umur sisa pressure vessel berdasarkan hasil inspeksi.


1.         Bejana tekan dan resiko kecelakaan
2.         Klasifikasi bejana tekan
3.         Konstruksi vessel : standar material, pengelasan sambungan dan pengujian tak merusak (NDT)
4.         Bejana tekan dan pengoperasian : beban, tegangan, retak dan korosi
5.         Penghitungan kekuatan minimum berdasar ASME
6.         Penentuan ketebalan minimum actual dan ketahanan terhadap retak/patah
7.         Pengoperasian, Peralatan Keamanan dan Pengendali
8.         Standard inspeksi berdasar API 510
9.         Interval untuk inspeksi
10.     Perawatan dan Perbaikan : Inspection Procedure, Dimension Inspection, Weld Inspection, Non Destructive Examination (NDE), Pressure Test, Repair Procedure, Dokumentasi

Pelatihan ini penting untuk diikuti praktisi di industri yang sering terlibat dan bertanggung jawab dalam pengoperasian, perawatan dan perbaikan pressure vessel,  personal yang terlibat dalam perencanaan ataupun pemeriksaan kelayakan pressure vessel, juga untuk para staf dari level operator, teknisi, supervisor maupun engineer.