Senin, 21 Januari 2013



Floating Production Systems are becoming more common as oil discoveries are made in deeper waters. The objectives of this Workshop are to provide an introduction to the drivers for floater selection and design, and to provide an appreciation of the main tools and methods used in designing and analyzing these structures.

The programme will begin by taking a broad look at deepwater development from the standpoint of field development  planning,  processing,  and  concept  selection.  Emphasis  will  be  on  the  application  of structural and naval architectural principles, and design codes, to teh sizing and analysis of performance of moored platforms and risers. Examples will include Spars, Tension Leg Platforms, Semi-Submersibles and FPSOs.

After this course the participants should be able to identify the design drivers for the platforms and to perform high level sizing. They should understand the concept of floater stability, the different types of mooring systems and risers, and methods for their design and analysis.

By fully participating in this short course, participants with solid background in conventional offshore oil field development, planning, processing and technology application will gain ground understanding on the greater risk of deepwater oil field development, which in short it needs higher commitment, higher and world complex technology and much higher cost involvement.
In the initial part of the course for some introduction way of addressed economic magnitude, technology services and major specific equipment and source required on each stage of deepwater field from the exploration development to the production stages this short course will be beneficial for deepwater oil field engineers, planners as well as the regulator (the authorities) and oil field contractors and services companies.

Who should attend
1.    Executive Engineers and Managers who are involved and interested in :
      Feasibility Studies on Deepwater Field Development
      Information on new technological development
      Applicability of different floating concepts to the Worldwide projects.

2.    Civil  or  Mechanical  Engineers  and  Naval  Architects  with  basic  background  in  structural engineering and hydrodynamics, but not familiar with floating structure design.

1.       Session 1: Introduction to Deepwater Development Systems
2.       Introduction, Trends in deepwater development systems, examples of deepwater projects, planning issues, considerations of deepwater field development, concept selection

3.       Session 2: Drilling in deepwater environment
4.       Deepwater challenges and new technologies, drilling functions and considerations, MODU drilling, drilling from Spar and TLP

5.       Session 3: Conceptual and Functionality of Floating Production Systems
6.       Overview of floater capabilities, dry tree system in fixed, compliant Tower, TLP, and Spar platform, wet tree system in TLP, cell Spar, FPSO, control buoy, SS Tieback and Semi-FPS

7.       Session 4: Strength consideration of floating structures
8.       Basic stresses, local buckling stresses, hydrostatic pressure, plated and tubular structure design, design rules and requirement

9.       Session 5: Fatigue assessment of floating structures
10.    Fatigue capacity, action and loads, S-N curves, nominal and hot and spot stress, simplified, deterministic and spectral-based fatigue assessment, fracture mechanics

11.    Session 6: Hydrodynamics and global response of floaters
12.    Wave spectra and its application, wave and fluid forces, dynamics of floating bodies, wave statistics,
13.    irregularity of seaway and histogram, response amplitude operator

14.    Session 7: Hydrostatic and Stability of Floaters
15.    Important  rules  of  floating  structure  design,  coordinate  system  and  transformations,  buoyancy  and stability parameters, hydrostatic stiffness, MODU stability rules

16.    Session 8: Mooring design and analysis
17.    Effect of wind and current loads, station-keeping, passive mooring system, catenary spread and taut mooring system, mooring components and equipment