Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Competence Based Human Resource : interview, selection and recruitment

Competence Based Human Resource : interview, selection and recruitment

Membahas secara sistematis dan komprehensip proses penerimaan karyawan berbasis kompetensi mulai dari interview hingga perekrutan. Dimana dalam pelatihan ini menjelaskan bagaimana proses rekrutmen, seleksi dan wawancara dilakukan agar memperoleh hasil yang diharapkan. Sehingga akan menambah wawasan, pengetahuan dan meningkatkan nilai tambah staf SDM perusahaan

Materi :
1. Recruitment, Selection and Interview
·         Recruitment: Why should recruit people?
·         Selection Process and Technique
·         Interview Overview
2. Competency-based Recruitment
·         Competency Overview
·         Competency Model
·         Competency-based Recruitment process
3.Behavioral-based Interview
·         Behavioral Competency
·         Key Behaviors
4. State of the Interviewer
·         Preparation
·         Readiness and Steadiness
5. Intentional Interview
·         Questioning Skill
·         Inquiry and Probing
6. Smart Interview
·         Clarifying Skill
·         Non verbal communication

Peserta :
Staff Recruitment & Personalia, Supervisor & Manager yang melakukan wawancara dalam proses seleksi

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