Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

CO2 Removal

CO2 Removal

With increasing demands to natural gas in Indonesia, sour gases are being tapped for utilization after purification. But, the natural gas that is transported to the fuel market must meet legal and safety requirements; it must be non-toxic, non-corrosive and safe to environment. For that reasons, gas conditioning or specifically gas treating is a very important step in gas processing scheme. CO2 is  removed to certain level through a gas sweetening process. There are many processes available. The amines (MEA, DEA, MDEA) are the most popular solutions and thus commonly used in many fields.

Materi Pelatihan:
  1. Pendahuluan: pemilihan metoda CO2 removal dan pemilihan absorbent.
  2. Keseimbangan dan kinetika reaksi CO2-absorbent
  3. Dasar-dasar proses CO2 removal
    • Physical Solvent Process dan Solid (dry) Process
    • Polymetric membrane process
  4. Tinjauan parameter operasi peralatan CO2 removal
    • Absorber dan stripper
    • Menara distilasi
  5. Pengoperasian menara absorber, adsorber dan distilasi:
    • Setting suhu, tekanan dan kecepatan aliran
    • Pengumpanan bahan, pengambilan hasil atas & bawah
  6. Troubleshooting

Process engineer/operator senior pada unit CO2 removal

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